Emergency planning

Emergency Plan
An emergency plan gives carers the opportunity to think about and document concise, relevant information on the person they care for. This information can then be used if they cannot care, in the short term, due to an unplanned event or accident. It means that in an emergency the practical arrangements for caring are set out, and the carer’s views and knowledge of the person they care for can be shared with others.

An emergency plan can prevent an emergency becoming a crisis.
The conversations that you have with family, friends and neighbours about the role they could play in an emergency can help them understand your role as a carer, and many carers find that their levels of doubt, worry and stress may be reduced through the actual process and completion of their plan. Identifying emergency contacts who could help in the event of an emergency also brings re-assurance and peace of mind.
You can complete your Emergency plan online or if you would like a paper copy to complete call us or complete an online enquiry form.
The Herbert Protocol
The Herbert Protocol is a nationally recognised scheme supported and endorsed by Police Scotland. It is not intended to replace existing safeguarding and security measures but to provide additional support and reassurance.
It is an information gathering tool to assist the police to find a person living with dementia, or similar, who has been reported missing. It consists of a form that contains vital information about the person at risk that can be passed to the police at the initial point the person is reported missing. The form holds personal details, a description, a recent photograph, languages spoken, as well as previous addresses, places of employment and other significant locations in someone’s life. This can include their old school, a church, or a favourite walking route, plus their medical history and information about past incidents of going missing.
When a person goes missing, the first hour is vitally important, being able to give officers a completed Herbert Protocol form saves valuable minutes and hours. .
You can download the form here. Once complete, the form is retained by you as the carer (not the police), and a copy should also be placed within the home or care setting in a prominent position so that it is easily available to police if required.
We are normally open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00 pm, but appointments (by phone, in person or online) out with these hours can be arranged. Currently mail is not being picked up from the office on a regular basis so if possible please email or phone us. During evenings and weekends, if you or someone you know requires urgent social work support, please call 0800 811 505.