


What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a teachable skill that involves directing our attention to our experience as it unfolds, moment by moment, with open-minded curiosity and acceptance. It has roots in Buddhism, but you don’t have to be spiritual, or have any particular beliefs, to try it.

Mindfulness is about noticing your thoughts and feelings, accepting them and then using techniques to move you attention to something else – often your breath.

Carers Link runs a number of events to support Mindfulness, including a weekly Mindful group. You can find out what’s happening currently by reading the latest issue of our newsletter or checking our calendar.

If you would like to receive a weekly email with a reminder of our Mindfulness group and occasional links to Mindful practices, you can sign up by clicking here.

You could also try one of the practices below – just click on the image.

4 pebble meditation

You can try this simple meditation either by listening to it or by downloading the text and reading it. You will need 4 different pebbles.

Observing thoughts meditation

Click here to listen to the observing thoughts meditation

Sunflower meditation

Click here to listen to the sunflower meditation

With thanks to Lucy Trend.

Body scan image

Click here to listen to the body scan meditation

We are normally open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00 pm, but appointments (by phone, in person or online) out with these hours can be arranged. Currently mail is not being picked up from the office on a regular basis so if possible please email or phone us. During evenings and weekends, if you or someone you know requires urgent social work support, please call 0800 811 505.d!

Website by The Zen Agency.

Carers Link is a Registered Charity NO. SC034447 and Registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee Number 270702