Join Carers Link
Membership of Carers Link is free and open to any carer who lives or cares in East Dunbartonshire, and any individual with an interest in carers’ issues. Members are important to us, and they help ensure our services continue to meet carers’ needs. Having members helps demonstrate to our funders that we represent people who live, work or care in East Dunbartonshire.
You do not need to be a member to receive our services, attend meetings or to become involved with us, but only members can vote at our General Meetings or join our Board of Management. As a member you’ll receive a Carers Link badge, a regular e-newsletter and a copy of our Annual Report.
If you support our vision and values and would like to become a member complete our membership application form.
If you are looking for support or information about your caring role, please complete a self referral form.
Carers Link East Dunbartonshire is a Company Limited by Guarantee. This means that each member agrees (guarantees) to contribute a sum of £1 maximum towards any debts if Carers Link goes into liquidation. We don’t intend for this ever to happen, but legally we have to let you know!
We are normally open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00 pm, but appointments (by phone or online) out with these hours can be arranged. During evenings and weekends, if you or someone you know requires urgent social work support, please call 0800 811 505.