
Carers Link

at Carers Link

Caring for someone can be very rewarding and give you a lot of happiness, but it can sometimes feel like a huge responsibility. Sometimes the sheer amount of time and energy you dedicate to caring for someone can make you forget
that you are very important too.
According to Carers Scotland 8 in 10 carers say their health is worse because of caring. Looking after your own emotional and physical health is essential if you want to get the most out of life and build the inner resources you need to help you continue with caring.


As an unpaid carer, it is important to look after your own wellbeing, so that you can continue to care if you want to.  Read more to find out how Carers Link can help you maintain and improve your wellbeing

Young Carers

The young carer wellbeing section provides guidance on how to support your wellbeing as a young carer and information regarding support that can be offered to you as a young carer.

We are normally open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00 pm, but appointments (by phone, in person or online) out with these hours can be arranged. During evenings and weekends, if you or someone you know requires urgent social work support, please call 0800 811 505.

Website by The Zen Agency.

Carers Link is a Registered Charity NO. SC034447 and Registered as a Company Limited by Guarantee Number 270702