Young Carers

If you are going through a crisis or want to speak to someone, here is some information for you:
If you are worried about your mental health or a family member may need help with theirs, it is important you speak to someone to ensure you get the right support you need.
If you need support from a member of the young carer team or you would like to contact another organisation for more information, we have provided some important numbers for you to keep.
If it is an emergency, you are advised to contact 999 if anyone is in immediate danger. If you are unsure if it is an emergency you can contact 111. If you feel that you need to speak to someone about your mental health and want to take action, we recommend you contact your GP and discuss support available to you.
The following resources may help you with how you are feeling and could help you to speak to someone specific about your needs.
Hover over the boxes to see find out more information.
Young Carer Support
Contact Information
Open: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm
Call: 0800 975 2131
Young Minds
Mental Health Crisis
Open: 24/7
For support with your mental health
Free text support, texts can be anonymous
Text: YM to 85258
Under 19s
Open: 7:30am – 3:30am
Free Childline locker to use their free 1-2-1 counsellor chat and email service – can keep your info private
Phone: 0800 1111
Someone to talk to.
If you are having a difficult time:
Open: 24/7
Phone: 116 123
The Mix
Under 25s Support
Open: 4pm – 11pm, seven days a week
Free 1-2-1 webchat service available.
Free short-term counselling service available.
Phone: 0808 808 4994
Suicidal Tho
Open: 9am – 10pm Mon to Fri, 2pm – 10pm weekends
Phone: 0800 068 4141
Text: 07860039967
Eating Disorder Support
Support and services for those dealing with an eating disorder
YouthLine open: 4pm – 10pm, every day.
Phone: 0808 801 0711
Breathing Space
For Low mood, Anxiety, Depression
Open: Mon -Thurs 6pm – 2am, Fri 6pm – Mon 6am.
Call: 0800 83 85 87
Free to call
We are normally open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00 pm, but appointments (by phone or online) out with these hours can be arranged. Currently mail is not being picked up from the office on a regular basis so if possible please email or phone us. During evenings and weekends, if you or someone you know requires urgent social work support, please call 0800 811 505.