About Carers Link
East Dunbartonshire
Carers Link was established in 2004 as a registered charity (Registered charity number SC034447) to support unpaid carers in East Dunbartonshire. If you look after a family member or friend who cannot manage without your support, you are a carer. You may be “doing what anyone would do”, but there is support and information available that can help you.
Here at Carers Link we work with carers who live in East Dunbartonshire, or care for someone in the area. The person you care for might be living with a disability, an illness, a mental health problem or have issues around substance misuse or addiction. We know that each carer’s situation is unique and will talk things through with you – and listen to you – to ensure that we tailor support to what you need.
You may simply be looking for some information, or you may go on to access advocacy, one-to-one support or our sessions and groups for carers. However large or small your query, we’re here to help.
No matter who you are or who you care for, Carers Link is here to support you.

Our Vision
Carers Link wants to see carers of East Dunbartonshire have the best possible quality of life, through help and support for their caring role and the opportunity to pursue their own needs, interests or work.
Our People
We are passionate about supporting carers because as staff, we’ve been there. Some of us are carers now, whilst the others have been carers in the past. Quite simply, we get it. We know the tiredness, the guilt, the frustration, the loneliness, the sadness that can all come with caring responsibilities. But we have also seen a community of carers grow locally over the last 15+ years, sharing in their support of one another, sharing in their laughter, in their tears and sometimes both at the same time.
This shared experience is one of the things that makes Carers Link TRUSTED. Carers share so much of themselves with us because they trust us – not just to keep information confidential but to be there for them and to do what we say we will.
Annual reports
Our Annual Reports provide information about what we have done each year, and our financial situation.
Carers Link aims to work to the highest standards in everything we do, and we have received a number of awards and accreditations for the way we work and the work we do.
Key Policies
Carers Link has a comprehensive range of policies and work procedures that guide our workings and service delivery. They are not intended as a layer of bureaucracy, but to ensure that Carers Link operates within a safe, legal and equal environment.
We are normally open Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 5.00 pm, but appointments (by phone, in person or online) out with these hours can be arranged. Currently mail is not being picked up from the office on a regular basis so if possible please email or phone us. During evenings and weekends, if you or someone you know requires urgent social work support, please call 0800 811 505.